Boa constrictor imperator
Group: Vertebrate
Class: Reptiles
Subclass: Lépidosauriens
Infra order: Aléthinophidiens
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Ophidian
Super family: Boids
Family: Boidae
Subfamily: Boinae
Genre: Boa
Species: Constrictor
Subspecies: Imperator
Scientific Name: Boa constrictor imperator
French common name: Boa constrictor imperator
English Common Name: Boa constrictor imperator
This species is listed in Annex 2 of the Convention Washington.Vous specimens must have been born in captivity with his paper.
between 1.70 m and 1.80 m in males and 2.30 to 2.50 for femelles.Tout localité.Les depends on the females are generally larger than males.
It's a kind enough général.Sa massive head is separate from his body and instead carré.Sa color varies greatly according to location and spécimens.Il usually has spots on the dos.Il are a lot of different colors. In terms of character, we see the big variante.Son also life expectancy is about 20 years.
Geographic distribution
It is found in the isthmus of Panama to central Mexico and Colombia, and when Équateur.Son natural environment is semi-arid tropical.Il is nocturnal and semi-arboreal.
Temperature and humidity
He will have to:-day: -30/31 ° C hot spot
-24/26 ° C at the cold spot
-The night: 20/22 ° C.
60 to 80% humidity, we'll get through a large water tank.
A terrarium 180-100-100 will be enough to an adult specimen (minimum size). For soil, we can use chips of beech or coconut flakes. He needs a hiding place at the hot spot and another developed a large froid.Ainsi tray of fresh water and branches very solides.Les UV is harmful to the boa constrictor imperator. Put the terrarium in a well-informed and give her a day / night cycle of heating 12h.Pour it is better to opt for the heating cable and a lamp céramique.Le glass terrarium should be consistent and a thick lock is strongly advised.
Sexual dimorphism: Adult, male is smaller, its hemipenes form a bulge and its tail is longer. It is also equipped with spurs more developed than those of the female. These differences are not very marked in young (it is possible to sexing the animal by a veterinarian). Maturity: During the third year (the 19 months to some authors). Cycles: Annuals, variables (September-February), as the place of origin of animals. Mating: People recognize each other by their olfactory system (Jacobson's organ), the male is driven thrills, partners embrace, the tails are "forged" by the male stimulates his spurs his companion. The duration of copulation can last up to 60 min. During which the partners seem unperturbed. The female is more receptive, surrounded by several males ... Gestation: 5 to 7 months. Ovoviviparous reptile. The mother is overweight and stop eating. Birth: It usually takes place at night, babies are expelled in small groups, just minutes apart, then follow the unfertilized eggs. The number of individuals varies, depending on the age / size of the boa (10 to 30, in the wild, in 1984, and Segard Beaurain signal the arrival of 50 young, captive-). It then emerges from the embryonic membrane that surrounds it. Baby: Meets copy just lighter than its parents, it measures an average of 350 to 500mm. (45 to 60 grams).
Do lunch novembre.Début the month of December, we lower the temperature by 3 ° C every 3 days until reaching 20 ° C environ.Faire well with light. It must always be the Water fraiche.Début February, we start in direction inverse.Quand normal conditions are reached, is fed with prey too large.
The females give birth around 123 days after mating from 25 to 60 petits.Il will separate the mother before making sure what finish to the day bas.Le feed on prey by half its width and start a week.
They measure between 30 and 40cm.Les put in small boxes with the same maintenance conditions than adults (paper towel for the floor). Wait until the young have absorbed their yolk that remains before they nourrir.Si the absorb not wait until the first molt nourrir.On for the pups to feed for 10 meal.
The 15 kinds of Boa constrictor imperator
The BCI-crawl cay Belize: from a small island next to Belize.Il is more arboreal than autres.Sa maximum size is 1.80 m.Sa anérythristique.Docile natural color.
The BCI-Belize: Belize native, it is distinguished with its dorsal spots, the shape of his head and his body musclé.Sa maximum size is 1.80 m.
BCI-The Colombian native has Colombie.Il mostly tail rouge.Sa size is 1.80 to 2.00 m.Les females can reach 3m.
The BCI-Costa Rica: Costa Rica.Sa native color varies from light to dark, its dorsal spots are partially red / saumon.Sa size is 1.80 to 2.20 m.
The BCI-El Salvador: native Salvador.Sa maximum size is 1.80 m.
The BCI-of Ecuador native to Équateur.Ses dorsal spots are particulières.Sa size is around 1.80 m.Calme.
The BCI-Honduras: native Honduras.Sa maximum size is 1.50 m.
The BCI-Honduras Bahia Island native to an island off Honduras.Sa maximum size is 1.80 m.
The BCI-Honduras Bahia Island "Firebelly" origonaire of the island is a mutation Roatan.Il naturelle.Sa maximum size is 2.40 m.
The BCI-Hog Island from the island "Los Cochinos Cayode." Its natural color is hypomélanistique.Sa size is about 1.80 m.
The BCI-Mexican Cancun native Cancun.C is the rarest in captivité.Très mince.Sa size is about 2m.
The BCI-Mexican Tarahumara native Tarahumara.C is the smallest of the BCI Mexico.
The BCI-Mexican Sonora native Sonora.Il color is sombre.Sa size is about 1.40 m.
The BCI-Mexican Veracruz native Veracruz.Sa size is about 1.40 m.Il a bad temper.
The BCI-Nicaragua: native Nicaragua.Il never reaches 2m.
The BCI-Nicaragua's Corn Island native two islands: "Isla del Maiz Grande" and "Isla Pequena del Maiz." Maximum length is 1.50 m.